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CSC offers various Education services through the Digital Seva Portal. Below is the list of all such services:


Cyber gram YojanaCyber Gram Yojana aims to provide hands-on training in computers for the students of Minority Community and enable them to acquire basic ICT skills that would empower them.
Women Digital Literacy ProgrammeToday, computing skills are essential for empowerment and digital literacy for women can contribute and be a change agent especially in rural areas leading to overall societal development. Digital media has extraordinary potential for the empowerment of women in terms of disseminating information and knowledge. Yet, overall use of digital media by women is still very low in rural India.
The objective of the project is to train and empower 25,000 rural women on Basic Computer Course (BCC).
E-SwavlambikaCSC SPV is implementing a project named ‘Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for Capacity Building and Livelihood Generation for Women’ (e-Swavlambika),supported by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) with the objective of enabling the rural women to acquire skills and knowledge which will lead to their empowerment and transformation into self employed home makers
Apply for Mandatory Free VLE CCC ExaminationIn order to impart basic IT training to the VLEs, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) started the Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) through the National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT) in 2010.
Legal Literacy ProjectLegal literacy is seen as a tool to bring change at the grassroots level.
The project aims to spread legal literacy and awareness related to rights by conducting sessions by gathering40 participants from neighboring areas.
It also strengthens rural people so that they know and understand the primary levels of laws recognize them and challenge injustices much more forcefully.
NIELIT ServicesNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is an autonomous scientific society that provides higher and professional education through non-formal sector. CSCs can provide facilitation services to the students for various courses offered by NIELIT.
NIOS ServicesThe National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and CSC SPV joined hands to make CSCs as NIOS Facilitation Centers. Under this partnership, CSCs can promote the Open Schooling in Rural India, Register Students, Pay Registration and Examination Fee; Know the Status of Admission, and Declare Results.
Online English Speaking CourseOnline English Speaking Course provides higher and professional education, skill development and vocational education to the rural community. An important component of this is the English Learning course titled ‘English for Aam Aadmi’, targeted for the rural youth to teach them the language in a very simple and interactive way.
Cricket Strokes (Learn Cricket Online)Cricket Strokes helps to learn cricket online, under the mentorship of Kris Srikkanth, an ace cricketer known for his swashbuckling and aggressive batting style.
This program will help budding cricketers to learn the nuances of cricket and understand the game of cricket in a structured way.
Basic Computer CourseCSC SPV has launched a new programme, “Basic Computer Course (BCC)”. The programme offers basic computer training to equip a person to use computers in day-to-day life for professional and personal use.
Tally Certified ProgramTally Certified Program is a transaction service CSC has launched through Digital Seva Portal. It will be an online process, where candidate have to choose one correct answer from the given options
Tally Kaushal Praman PatraCandidate who is interested in Tally and wants to pursue it as career choice can opt for this course. Candidate from any background can register themselves for this course. Course Portal:

Learn English: Certificate from British CouncilAA Edutech had developed a digital learning program for learning spoken English through Cricket, jointly with the British Council. British Council will provide course completion certificate upon the candidate completing the course and scoring the minimum required marks.
ePashu ChikitshaCSC eGovernance Services India Limited is the first entity in India to offer Animal Telemedicine facility (ePashu Chikitsa) through its vast CSC network across the country. CSC centres can now extend their helping hands to pet owners (Pashu Palak) by providing tele veterinary doctors facility in their communities.
CSC School –Multimedia Content (6th to 10th)The objective of the project is to make CSC centers a hub for providing e-Learning Content in Video Lectures, Chapter Notes format in Hindi & English medium for the students of Class 6th-12th. is providing scientific learning based quality education to all students anywhere, anytime and has emerged as the first education portal providing content in Hindi & English Medium.

KHAN AcademyKhan Academy is an NGO working to provide world-class education absolutely free of cost. Anyone can visit their website and register as a student, parent or teacher and begin their learning journey.
CSC NIELIT CenterNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is an autonomous scientific society that provides higher and professional education through non-formal sector. CSCs can provide Facilitation Center for ACC, BCC, CCC, CCC+ and ECC offered by NIELIT.
NIELIT-Accreditation CenterNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is an autonomous scientific society that provides higher and professional education through non-formal sector. CSCs can provide Accreditation Centre for ‘O/A/B/C’ level offered by NIELIT.
E-LEGAL SERVICESCitizens particularly in rural locations are not aware about legal entitlements which the constitution has provided. As a result of this they are trapped in various legal cases and they are also not aware with whom to discuss the matter.
In order to reduce the gap and provide legal help, CSC SPV collaborated with National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) to provide e legal consultancy through pool of lawyers using the platform of CSCs spread across India.
The service seeks to provide legal consultancy to citizens though the CSCs present in rural locations at their doorsteps.
iScholar i30 IIT-JEE 2017 1yr Online CourseCSC SPV has collaborated with iScholar i30 for providing the IIT-JEE and engineering entrance exam coaching through Apna CSC. Considered one of the toughest exams, less than 1% succeeds due to the enormous syllabus, constantly evolving paper setting patterns and ever increasing cut-off percentages.
Competitive Exam Prep-IIT/PMT/Banking (Embibe)CSC VLEs have the chance of a lifetime to participate in selling India’s best product for IIT and Medical entrance exams. This product will be available for all exams across India including Board exams. This product is the best in the country. It guarantees score improvement without study by pointing out careless mistakes and other reasons why students lose marks. This is without even increasing knowledge.



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