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6. Patels in land revenue system in India


Appointment of Patels In respect of appointment of Patels Section 222 of the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 provides that subject to the rules made under Section 258, the Collector may appoint- ment one or more Patels for each village or group of villages. When there are two or more Patels in a village, the Collector may distribute subject to rules made under Section 258, the duties of the office of Patels in such manner as he may think fit.

Where in Vindhya Pradesh Region, Patwari has been performing the duties imposed on a Patel under the Code immediately before the commencement of this Code, he shall continue to perform such duties and shall be deemed to be Patel for the purposes of this Code until a Patel is appointed under the provisions of this section.

In respect of appointment of substitute Patel Section 228 provides that where a Patel is temporarily unable to perform his duties, the Sub-divisional Officer may, on his application or otherwise, appoint a substitute for a period not exceeding six months and the sustitute so appointed shall, for all the purposes of this Code, be deemed to be a Patel.

Remuneration of Patels-In respect of remuneration of Patel Section 223 of the Code provides that the remuneration of Patels shall be fixed by the Collector in accordance with the rules made by the State Government.

Duties of Patels-Section 224 of the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 deals with the duties of Patels which provides that it shall be the duty of every Patel-

(a) to collect and pay into the

(i) 'District Panchayat Raj Fund' constituted under Sub-section (1) of Section 76 of the Chhattisgarh Panchayat Raj Adhiniyam, 1993 the collection of land revenue and other related taxes and cesses payable through himcharges as may be determined by the State Government from time to time.


(ii) 'Government Treasury' the collection charges under Sub- clause (i) and such other Government dues ordered to be col- lected by him.

(b) to furnish reports regarding the state of his village at such places and times as the Collector may fix in this behalf;


(c) as far as possible to prevent encroachment on waste land, public paths and roadways in the villages;


(d) to preserve such stations and boundries marks eracted in his village by surveyors in the service of Government as may be made over to his care and to respect any damage caused to such marks;


(e) subject to the rules made under Section 258, to keep the village in good sanitary condition;


(f) to prevent unauthorized cutting of wood or unauthorized removal of any mineral or other properties belonging to the State Government;


(g) to control and superintendent the Kotwar, to report his death or absence from his duty and to take such steps as may be necessary to compel him to perform his duties;


(h) to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by rules made under Section 258.


It is also provided under this Code that duties imposed, under any law, upon landholders shall be deemed to be imposed on Patel. In this respect Section 225 of the Code provides that if by any enactment for the time being in force, any public duties are imposed on or public liabilities are declared to attach to landholders, their managers or agents, such duties shall be deemed to be imposed upon and such liabilities shall be held to attach to Patels appointed under this Code but nothing herein contained shall discharge the landholders, their managers or agents from any duties or liabilities otherwise imposed upon them by law.

In respect of duties of Patels Section 254 also provides that any function assigned to a Gram Sabha under Chapter 18 of the Code shall be performed by the Patel until a Gram Sabha is duly constituted under Section 232 of the Code.

Punishment of Patels-A Patel who is found negligent in the performance of any duty assigned to him under Section 224 or 225, shall be liable under the order of the Tahsildar to a fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.


Removal of Patels-In respect of Patels Section 226 of the provides that subject to rules made under Section 258, the Collector may remove any Patel from his office.


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