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#साधारण खण्ड अधिनियम, 1897 के अन्तर्गत केन्द्रीय सरकार Central Government under the General Clauses Act, 1897:

केन्द्रीय सरकार Central Government

The term "Central Government" under the General Clauses Act, 1897 plays an important role in the interpretation of statutes in India. The General Clauses Act, 1897 is a key legislation used to define terms and provide guidance on the interpretation of other statutes. Section 3(8) of the Act specifically deals with the term "Central Government." Here’s a pointwise explanation of its role in the interpretation of statutes:

1. Definition of Central Government (Section 3(8) of the General Clauses Act, 1897)

             Explanation: According to Section 3(8), the term "Central Government" is defined to mean the Government of India.

             Implication: This definition ensures consistency in statutes, as it clarifies that whenever "Central Government" is mentioned, it refers to the Government of India, which exercises executive powers under the Constitution.

2. Interpretation for Legislative and Administrative Purposes

             Explanation: The term "Central Government" is used in several laws and regulations for delegating powers or responsibilities related to governance and administration.

             Implication: For the effective implementation of laws, the interpretation of the term helps determine which authority (whether the central or state government) is responsible for actions or regulations.

3. In the Context of Delegated Legislation

             Explanation: The Central Government, as per the Act, has the power to make rules and regulations under various laws.

             Implication: When a statute grants authority to the "Central Government," it enables the Government of India to frame detailed rules and regulations necessary for implementing the law.

4. Jurisdiction of the Central Government

             Explanation: The term "Central Government" includes both the President of India and the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

             Implication: This means that the Government of India, through its various ministries or departments, may act under the powers delegated by Parliament in the context of a specific law.

5. Appointment of Officers by the Central Government

             Explanation: The term also refers to the authority responsible for appointing officers and officials for executing laws or statutes at the central level.

             Implication: If a statute mentions the "Central Government" in relation to the appointment of officials, it refers to appointments made by the Government of India.

6. Role in Statutory Interpretation

             Explanation: In case of ambiguity in any statute or legal provision, the definition of "Central Government" helps courts and authorities understand who holds executive power or administrative responsibility for enforcing the law.

             Implication: This clarification ensures that judicial interpretations remain consistent, reducing confusion over the responsible authority for enforcement or administration.

7. Interaction with State Government

             Explanation: The General Clauses Act, by defining "Central Government," also establishes the distinction between the central and state levels of governance.

             Implication: In cases where laws refer to both Central and State Governments, the courts rely on this definition to allocate responsibility and jurisdiction between the two.

8. Context in the Distribution of Powers

             Explanation: The term helps in interpreting how laws and policies are distributed between the central and state governments, as per the Constitution of India.

             Implication: This distinction is crucial for understanding the scope of powers and duties of the Central Government in relation to the states.


The definition of "Central Government" under the General Clauses Act, 1897 is essential for the interpretation of statutes in India, ensuring that the intent behind the enactment of laws is properly understood, particularly when it comes to the delegation of powers, jurisdiction, and administrative responsibilities. It provides clarity on the authority responsible for executing the provisions of various laws and supports the separation of powers between central and state authorities.



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