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Question-21 निर्वचन के आंतरिक सहायकों की क्या भूमिका है? विवेचना कीजिये।

 What is the role of Internal Aids in the Interpretation? Discuss.

Answer- 21

In the interpretation of statutes, Internal Aids refer to the aids or tools that are found within the statute itself to aid in understanding its meaning. These aids help clarify the language, intent, and scope of a law. Here’s a point-wise explanation of the role of internal aids in the interpretation of statutes:

1. Preamble:

             Role: The preamble provides the general purpose and underlying objectives of the statute. It helps to understand the intent of the legislature when they passed the law.

             Example: If a statute has a preamble stating its purpose is to promote environmental protection, the courts can refer to this to understand how the statute should be interpreted in case of ambiguity.

2. Title:

             Role: The title of a statute can often give insight into its purpose and scope. It offers a brief overview of the subject matter of the law.

             Example: A title like "Child Protection Act" immediately suggests the law is concerned with safeguarding the rights of children.

3. Heading/Section Headings:

             Role: Headings before specific sections or parts of the statute can provide guidance on the content and context of those provisions.

             Example: A section titled "Penalties for Violation" indicates that the content within that section will deal with legal consequences.

4. Marginal Notes:

             Role: Marginal notes or side notes, which summarize the content of sections, can serve as helpful reference points to determine the statute's intent.

             Example: Marginal notes may indicate whether a section deals with "penalties," "procedures," or "interpretation," thus assisting in quick understanding.

5. Definitions Section:

             Role: Many statutes have a section that defines key terms used throughout the law. These definitions aid in interpreting the specific terms consistently and accurately.

             Example: A definition of "public place" within the statute would clarify the scope of actions prohibited in those places.

6. Context and Interrelation of Sections:

             Role: The context within which a particular provision appears can influence its interpretation. Courts may look at related sections to interpret the meaning of a specific provision.

             Example: A section that defines "fraud" may need to be interpreted in light of the sections that deal with "penalties for fraud" or "contract law."

7. Provisos:

             Role: Provisos clarify exceptions or conditions to the general provisions of the statute. They help interpret how the main section should be applied under certain circumstances.

             Example: A proviso may exclude certain entities or actions from the applicability of a law, and courts would need to consider the proviso to interpret the law correctly.

8. Schedules:

             Role: Schedules attached to statutes provide additional details, classifications, or lists that are integral to the law’s operation.

             Example: A schedule might list the items taxed under a sales tax law or the specific areas covered under an environmental protection act.

9. Non-obstante Clause:

             Role: A non-obstante clause (meaning "notwithstanding") is used to override any conflicting provisions in other laws. It signals that the statute should take precedence over other laws.

             Example: A non-obstante clause may ensure that a specific law governing contract terms overrides other existing laws in case of any conflict.

10. Interpretation Clauses:

             Role: These clauses help clarify the meaning of terms that might be unclear or ambiguous. They help in the precise understanding of legal language.

             Example: An interpretation clause might define what "business" means in the context of a particular statute.


Internal aids within a statute serve as essential tools to interpret its provisions accurately. By considering the preamble, headings, definitions, schedules, and other such internal aids, legal practitioners and courts can ensure that the statute is applied in a manner consistent with its intended purpose. These aids minimize ambiguity and provide a clear framework for understanding the law.


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