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Question-22 परिनियम के आज्ञात्मक तथा निर्देशात्मक प्रावधान से आप क्या समझते हैं? वर्णन कीजिये।

 What do you mean by mandatory and directory provision in statutes? Explain.


In the context of Interpretation of Statutes, the terms mandatory provision and directory provision refer to the nature of compliance with the provisions of a statute. Here's a point-wise explanation:

Mandatory Provision:

1.            Definition: A provision in a statute that must be complied with in a strict and obligatory manner.

2.            Effect of Non-Compliance: If not followed, it may lead to legal consequences, such as invalidity or penalty.

3.            Language: Usually uses words like “shall”, “must”, or “will” to indicate that the provision is imperative.

4.            Judicial Interpretation: Courts generally interpret mandatory provisions as those that are essential for the validity of the action or process prescribed.

5.            Example: Provisions regarding the filing of an appeal within a prescribed time limit, which if not adhered to, results in the dismissal of the appeal.

Directory Provision:

1.            Definition: A provision in a statute that is intended as a guideline or instruction, but its non-compliance does not invalidate the action taken.

2.            Effect of Non-Compliance: Non-compliance does not have the same strict legal consequences as with mandatory provisions. The action or procedure may still be valid, though it might affect the procedure's correctness.

3.            Language: Often uses words like “may”, “should”, or “could”, which imply discretion or flexibility in compliance.

4.            Judicial Interpretation: Courts interpret directory provisions as those that are not essential to the validity of the process, but serve more as a framework.

5.            Example: The procedure to issue a notice in a public tender, where failure to follow the exact steps may not invalidate the contract if the essential requirements are met.

Difference Between Mandatory and Directory Provisions:

1.            Impact of Breach: Breach of a mandatory provision may invalidate an action, while breach of a directory provision may not.

2.            Enforcement: Mandatory provisions are often enforced strictly, whereas directory provisions are more flexible.

3.            Purpose: Mandatory provisions aim at securing the effectiveness of the law; directory provisions provide procedural guidance without strict enforcement.

Courts determine whether a provision is mandatory or directory by analyzing the statute’s language, intent, and the consequences of non-compliance.


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