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Question-23 प्रत्यायोजित विधान का आधुनिक काल की अनिवार्यता है, कारणों को समझाइये, जो इसके जिम्मेदार हैं।

Delegated Legislation is indispensable in modern times. Explain the factor responsible for delegated legislation.

Answer- 23

Delegated legislation is a vital component of modern governance, particularly in the context of the interpretation of statutes. Several factors contribute to the need for delegated legislation, which allows for the practical implementation of laws passed by legislative bodies. Here are the key factors that justify and necessitate delegated legislation:

1. Complexity of Modern Legislation

             Explanation: Laws today are often complex and cannot cover every minute detail in the statutes. Due to the evolving nature of society, technology, and economics, primary legislation may not be able to address specific situations that arise frequently.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: It allows for the delegation of powers to administrative bodies, enabling them to fill in the details through rules, regulations, or orders, thus ensuring that the law remains effective and relevant.

2. Volume of Legislation

             Explanation: The sheer volume of legislation required to govern a country, especially in specialized areas, makes it impractical for Parliament or the legislature to pass laws with every detail included.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: Parliament passes broad laws (parent acts), leaving the specifics to be dealt with by delegated authorities, which helps manage the overload of legislative work.

3. Need for Flexibility

             Explanation: The legislative process is often slow and rigid. However, in modern governance, the situation may change rapidly, requiring quick adjustments to laws to meet unforeseen circumstances.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: Administrative bodies can make quick modifications and updates to laws through regulations, providing flexibility without the need for a new act of Parliament.

4. Expertise and Specialization

             Explanation: Some areas of law require highly specialized knowledge, such as environmental regulations, financial laws, or scientific regulations.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: Delegated bodies, with expertise in these fields, can create detailed rules and regulations that are more technical and nuanced than what a legislature could handle effectively.

5. Convenience in Administration

             Explanation: The legislature cannot constantly be involved in the detailed administration of laws, and direct oversight of every small detail is impractical.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: Delegating powers to government departments or regulatory agencies helps in the smooth administration of laws, allowing them to implement laws more effectively and efficiently.

6. Rapid Response to Changing Circumstances

             Explanation: Modern society and its laws are often affected by fast-changing factors, such as economic shifts, technological advancements, and public health emergencies.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: Delegated bodies can enact or modify legislation more rapidly than the legislature, addressing urgent situations with immediate effect, while still within the framework of the primary law.

7. Detailed Technical Provisions

             Explanation: Primary legislation often provides broad principles or frameworks, but lacks the necessary specifics to be fully operational or enforceable.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: It enables technical provisions and detailed guidelines, allowing for clarity and specific actions that are consistent with the intent of the primary law.

8. Avoidance of Legislative Overload

             Explanation: Legislative bodies often have a heavy workload, and focusing on every minute aspect of a law would be time-consuming and could delay essential legislative functions.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: By delegating specific tasks to agencies, the legislature can focus on broader policy decisions, leaving administrative details to be handled by delegated bodies.

9. Provision for Local Needs

             Explanation: National laws may not always suit local conditions or requirements, especially in a diverse country with different regional needs.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: It allows for the creation of rules or orders that can be tailored to local needs or specific regions, providing more targeted solutions while still being governed by the overarching national framework.

10. Practicality in Law Implementation

             Explanation: Some provisions of a statute require practical implementation strategies that are beyond the scope of general legislative discussion.

             Role of Delegated Legislation: It enables the creation of practical guidelines and frameworks for the implementation of laws, making sure that the intent of the legislation is properly carried out in real-world settings.


Delegated legislation is indispensable in the interpretation and application of statutes due to its ability to address complexities, provide flexibility, ensure efficient administration, and keep laws up to date with changing conditions. This system of governance ensures that the primary statutes are not burdened with every detail, and that the laws are continuously aligned with the needs of modern society.


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