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Question- 02 संविधियों के वर्गीकरण को समझाइये।

 Explain the classification of statutes.

Answer-02 Classification of Statutes in the Law of Interpretation of Statutes:

1.            Codifying Statutes

o             These statutes consolidate existing laws into a systematic & organized written form.

o             Example: The Indian Penal Code, 1860.

2.            Consolidating Statutes

o             They bring together laws on a specific subject, which may have been spread across different enactments, into a single statute.

o             Example: The General Clauses Act, 1897.

3.            Declaratory Statutes

o             These clarify or state what the law is and remove ambiguities or doubts.

o             They are often enacted when there is a conflict or uncertainty in judicial decisions.

4.            Remedial Statutes

o             Enacted to correct defects or gaps in existing laws or to provide remedies for new situations. Example: Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

5.            Enabling Statutes

o             These empower an individual or authority to carry out something that would otherwise not be permissible under existing laws.

o             Example: Statutes granting powers to administrative authorities.

6.            Disabling Statutes

o             These restrict or prohibit certain actions that were previously permissible under the law. Example: Prohibition laws.

7.            Penal Statutes

o             These impose penalties or punishments for offenses.

o             Example: The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

8.            Mandatory Statutes

o             These use imperative language like “shall” and require strict compliance. Non-compliance renders an act invalid.

o             Example: Provisions in election laws requiring nomination papers to be filed in a prescribed manner.

9.            Directory Statutes

o             These use permissive language like “may,” indicating that compliance is not strictly mandatory but advisable.

o             Example: Procedural timelines in some administrative processes.

10.         Taxing Statutes

o             These deal with the imposition, collection, and regulation of taxes.

o             Example: The Income Tax Act, 1961.

11.         Explanatory Statutes

o             Enacted to explain or clarify previous laws to avoid misinterpretation.

12.         Amending Statutes

o             Modify or change the provisions of an existing law to suit changing circumstances.

o             Example: The Constitution (Amendment) Acts.

13.         Repealing Statutes

o             Abolish or revoke an existing statute, either partially or wholly.

o             Example: Repealing and Amending Acts.

14.         Temporary Statutes

o             Enacted for a specific duration, after which they automatically lapse unless extended.

o             Example: Ordinances issued by the President or Governors.

15.         Substantive Statutes

o             Deal with the creation, definition, or alteration of substantive legal rights and liabilities.

o             Example: Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

16.         Procedural Statutes

o             Govern the methods or procedures for enforcing legal rights or duties.

o             Example: Civil Procedure Code, 1908.

This classification aids in interpreting statutes based on their nature, purpose, and application.


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